
Experts from Instituto Bernabeu give master classes about ovarian reserve and stimulation on the UA and IB Master's degree in Reproductive Medicine

  • 13-02-2020

 Dr Ll. Aparicio, Medical Co-Director of Instituto Bernabeu and expert in poor ovarian reserve; Dr Juan Carlos Castillo, a specialist in ovarian stimulation; and Cristina García-Ajofrín, a gynaecologist at IB in Madrid and an expert in uterine causes of infertility, have given three master classes to students on the University of Alicante and Instituto Bernabeu Master's degree in Reproductive Medicine.

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Dr Rafael Bernabeu highlights the importance of assessing all patients’ ovarian reserve in a speech at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society Congress

  • 12-02-2020

A woman’s ovarian reserve is the number of viable oocytes that she has in her ovaries at any given time. This figure conditions the quantity of ova that can be retrieved during in vitro fertilisation treatment. As a woman ages, her ovarian reserve decreases and this is why the Medical Director at Instituto Bernabeu, Dr Rafael Bernabeu, has emphasised the importance of this factor and encouraged both experts in the field and patients to be keenly aware of this before it is too late.

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Instituto Bernabeu presents research into the role of cytokines in implantation failure at the ESHRE Campus in Milan

  • 06-02-2020

Instituto Bernabeu participated in a gathering of experts at the ‘Endometriosis and infertility: the extent of the problem’ ESHRE Campus held in Milan on 23rd and 24th January 2020. The scientific event, organised by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology’s endometriosis and endometrial disorders work group, selected research work carried out by Instituto Bernabeu as a candidate for the best poster award. Dr Belén Moliner, the clinic's expert in endometriosis, attended the meeting in order to answer questions about the research work: ‘The inflammatory cytokine profile in peripheral blood of women with recurrent implantation failure with endometriosis and without it.’

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Instituto Bernabeu researchers study the impact of the male factor on embryo mosaicism

  • 06-02-2020

Instituto Bernabeu researchers have studied the impact of the male factor on embryo mosaicism or cases of embryos with some normal cells and some chromosomally abnormal cells. It is one of the reasons for implantation failure but the factors that cause it remain unclear. The aim of the study was to assess which male factors could have an impact on embryo mosaicism rates.

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